Rockclimbing/Dragonboating 2016

On 30 July our sec 1s took part in Dragon Boating with the sec 1s and 2s Scout, while the sec 3s of both NPCC and Scouts took part in a rock climbing activity.

'On 30/07/16, we participated in the Dragon Boating Orientation Program together with the Sec 1 and 2s from Scouts. It was one of the most memorable trips we've had.

When we first got there, most of us were confused. For the majority of us, it was our first time dragon boating. Furthermore, some of us didn't even know how to swim. However, the instructors over there were really friendly and reassured us that everything was going to be alright.

The briefing they gave us were clear and quick, which made the activity more enjoyable as it meant that we had more time to dragon boat. They ensured that our life jackets were at the right size and were constant at making sure of our well-being. It made us feel at ease as we knew that they cared for our safety. Before we started getting on the boat, they instructed us on what to do in case the boat capsized.

During the activity, we discovered that dragon boating is a team sport which requires everyones' cooperation otherwise the boat would have either been slow or uneven. We didn't understand the concept at first and the ride was choppy, none of us were enjoying it. But with team work and cooperation, we managed to do it in synch, making it enjoyable for us all. We had competitions with other boats but winning didn't really matter, what mattered was our team spirit.

The activity not only taught us the importance of having a strong bond with our squad mates, it also taught us the importance of patience and teamwork. It was definitely a day that we would remember for a long time to come.'

-Sec 1s

'I feel that through the rockclimbing activity, our squad is able to work together and give each other moral support in order to push those who are lacking, to the top. Rockclimbing also trains our physical capabilities and stamina so that we are able to withstand much strenuous activities in normal trainings and parades which trains our resistance to the weather.'

-Sgt Malcolm

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