The sec 3’s also embarked on their VIA to a moral senior activity centre where they helped to clean 2 elderly’s houses. It was a simple help by the cadets but the seniors there were very delighted and surprised at how the cadets treated them and their house with respect and always asking them if this was needed to be thrown. 

CSI is a very complex chain of work to find who murdered a person or how this person can be found. Luckily, our sec 3 cadets went for an enhanced CSI course where they learnt how to find fingerprints with different methods and used the skills that the instructors have went through to in a real crime scene

The sec 3’s also embarked on their VIA to a moral senior activity centre where they helped to clean 2 elderly’s houses. It was a simple help by the cadets but the seniors there were very delighted and surprised at how the cadets treated them and their house with respect and always asking them if this was needed to be thrown. 

Open house was a blast this year. Though the sec 3’s didn’t get to do drills like they always did, the SGSECURE skit was something new and refreshing, and also very educational. It was a re-enactment of a real life terrorist attack and how singapore’s defences put them down. The sec 2’s also explained about how NPCC has been through out the years and the exciting activities we embark on. 

The sec 2’s are certified first aided after undergoing the standard first aid course where they are taught CPR, basic bandage skills and many more. It is important they take this course seriously as it can help them in the long run if anything happens to people 

 round them. It was a good experience for the sec 2’s. 
The sec 3’s finally went and got their kayaking 2 star certificate after going through a tough 3 day training with different instructors. Through all the cries and laugh, the sec 3’s had a blast learning new skills and rescue methods. The sec 2’s on the other hand first handedly experienced the basics of kayaking and capsizing. Though it was tough for them too, they learnt it fast and is now experienced kayakers. 

The sec 1’s completed their values in action by helping out at a nearby old saints home. They extended their warmest help by cleaning the home and interacting with the elderlys there by playing ping pong. 

As the sec 2 embarked on their first Area 8 camp at pulau ubin, they were put to the rest on their adventurous skills and team work. At the same time, the sec 3’s were put to the test on their survival skills, learning how to make fire from just leaves, sticks and match. 

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