The Sec 3s and selected Sec 2 cadets have worked hard for the competition and have put in their 100% in all trainings and actual competition. Though they did not clinch as top 3, they have made our unit proud for doing a very good job

On the 14th of July, the Sec 1 Cadets went on a dragon boating activity that was organised by PA Water Venture. They had to conquer the challenge of working together to get the boat moving faster or slower. It was a great learning experience for them

On the 26th of May 2017, the Sec 2 and 3 cadets went on their Police Youth Ambassador (PYA) course at the MOE kindergarten. The Sec 3 cadets were very engaged with the kids in teaching them about SGSECURE and helping them understand. The Sec 2 on the other hand went around the blocks to distribute flyers to spread awareness

On 23 May 2017, the Sec 2 cadets went on a NPC visit in Tampines. They learnt about how,why and what the officers there do as a neighbourhood officer. A few of the cadets also got to try on their headgear protection with a utility vest.

On the 17th of May last Wednesday, the Sec 1 Squad went for their civil defence course at the 2nd HQ CD division in Tampines. They had an enriching time learning first aid and CPR and also learnt how to put out a fire. 

On the 21st of April, the Sec 3s went on a rock climbing adventure. It was a mix of endurance and adrenaline rush when the cadets were climbing or belaying. They also learnt how to belay, tie a figure of 8 follow through and many more

On the 13th of April 2017, the sec 4s stepped down and passed their roles to the sec 3s. It was an emotional yet memorable day for the NPCC unit. We wish all the sec 4s good luck for their O/N levels

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